Trumpet Hymn Duets
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Trumpet Hymn Duets is a book of twenty-one hymns arranged for trumpet duet. All of the duets in this book have been published previously as individual sheet music products. You can browse the hymn duets separately or purchase the full book.
If you are interested in browsing the individual duets, you can do so by clicking the following button.
Hymn List
The following is the list of all twenty-one hymns in the Trumpet Hymn Duets book (the links will take you to the individual sheet music products):
- O Mighty God
- Amazing Grace
- O Jesus, I Have Promised
- Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
- It is Well with My Soul
- Holy, Holy, Holy
- Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
- O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
- Christ the Lord Has Risen Today
- He Leadeth Me
- Great is Thy Faithfulness
- Jesus Paid It All
- Be Thou My Vision
- Just as I Am
- On Christ, the Solid Rock, I Stand
- America the Beautiful
- Softly and Tenderly
- What a Friend We Have in Jesus
- He Keeps Me Singing
- Blessed Assurance
- Angels from the Realms of Glory
Play-Along Recordings
Our printers and distributor does not allow there to be CDs inside the books. Instead, we have decided to publish a play-along album simultaneously. You can purchase the MP3s for these play-along files here on Tiger Music as a zip file download. Alternatively, you can download them at iTunes or, or stream them on your favorite streaming service.
If you like the Trumpet Hymn Duets, but have no one to do them with, then we strongly encourage you to use the play-along recordings.
You can read about and/or purchase the play-along recordings by clicking on the following button:
Trumpet Hymn Duet Skill Level
The skill level of these Trumpet Hymn Duets is mostly intermediate to intermediate /advanced. These are duets for high school students and above. The range on most of the duets tops out between G above the staff and high C. However, two of the duets go to the D above high C. Key signatures for the duets are written in up to four sharps and four flats.
These are not difficult duets for intermediate trumpet players. This is partly why they are so popular. Some of the sections have slightly difficult passages, but all in all, the Trumpet Hymn Duets book is more uplifting than it is difficult.
Hymn Duet Popularity
Never before have we published a book that was this popular before being published. Trumpet players were asking about the Trumpet Hymn Duet book before we even decided to take this on as a book project. The title, Trumpet Hymn Duets, was originally the title of our video series on YouTube, featuring the recordings of these hymns.
By the time we had half a dozen of these hymn duets in the series, trumpet players began asking if they could be purchased as a book. That makes sense, right? The minimum we can charge for a single piece of music is $3.99. The book of 21 Trumpet Hymn Duets is only $17.88. That brings the price per duet down to 85 cents, less than on fourth of the price of the individual sheet music listings.
So it makes sense that people would express an interest in the Trumpet Hymn Duets as a book. But the demand for the book became even more pronounced after we began putting the book together.
As I said, this has never happened before. With all of our other books, there was always a need for the books. However, that need was usually first recognized by me (Eddie), the author of the book. In the case of the Trumpet Hymn Duets book, people have been making their desires for an entire book of these duets clearly understood!
And for that, we thank you all! You helped us move this project forward by giving us that kind of feedback.
Trumpet Hymn Duets Video Ad
We try to do video ads for all of the books. The style of the videos is somewhat casual because I am somewhat casual. When I’m making a video like this, I am speaking to you as if you are one of my students and I’m telling you about our latest and greatest goings on!
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