Trumpet Folk Fill in the Blank – eBook PDF

The Trumpet Folk Fill in the Blank book is designed to help trumpet students become better at sight reading, transposing and improvising.


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Trumpet Folk Fill in the Blank

eBook PDF Download

by Eddie Lewis

What is the Trumpet Folk Fill in the Blank book?

It’s a musical puzzle book of simple folk songs and nursery rhymes designed to be a fun way for Trumpet Tyro level students to hone their skills on the trumpet. The book presents the simple songs first in an easy key.

The students learn the song in that key and play the song ten times to get it in their ears. Then they turn the page to read the same song again, but this time in a different key, AND some of the notes are missing. Where the notes are missing, question marks take their places.

Our students just love these song games!

In fact, we originally only did a few of these for the students we were teaching at the time. The students loved them so much, that’s when we decided to make an entire book of the song puzzles.

The book begins with the easiest songs and  progresses to the most difficult. Each song also progresses in difficulty with the number of notes that are left out.

Fill in the Blank Benefits

The main benefits of practicing from the Trumpet Folk Fill in the Blank book have mostly to do with thoroughly learning the first seven major keys and beginning to play by ear. Students who practice these fill in the blank song progressions properly (without cheating – see the text in the book) will see marked improvements in their sight reading, transposition and improvisation. I like to say that these fill in the blank songs help the students “rewire their brains” in a way that completely changes the way they experience music.

Other less obvious benefits of practicing these song sequences include playing better in tune and getting a better sound. These are indirect benefits of having a more developed ear.


We won’t discourage anyone from using this Trumpet Folk Fill in the Blank book who wants to use it however they wish to use it. Our prerequisites are only suggestions.

The book was designed to be used as a reward for Trumpet Tyro students who complete all of their Trumpet Tyro materials. When we use this book with our students, they have already increased their range to fourth space E and have been playing the Tonalization Studies (scales) up to three flats and three sharps. This is not a book that should be used to teach the students these as new skills. They should have these skills before they start using the book.

Here are the books that our students will use before they are rewarded with the Trumpet Folk Fill in the Blank book:

(Note: The Major Scale Expansion Studies are an introduction to the Tonalization Studies. Every time a student learns a new key, they start with the expansion studies in that key first. Then they can do the Tonalization studies in that key. We are saying this here because there is a tendency to want to do the entire expansion book first, and THEN move on to the Tonalization Studies. That’s not correct. Introduce the key first, with the expansion studies, THEN do the Tonalization Studies in that key before you do the expansion studies in another key.)

But once again, we are not saying that you are not allowed to use the book any way you see fit. All of Eddie Lewis’ books have been “appropriated” by people who don’t use his system and we have never had a problem with that.

Free Trumpet Fill in the Blank Mini Book

Because this book is such a different concept, we wanted to make a mini version of the book available for free so you can give it a try. We will add a link here when that post is finished:

Blog Post

We have a blog post that goes into a little more detail than this product page dose.


Here is a video advertising the Trumpet Fill in the Blank book.

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