Tug-O-War Easy Trumpet Duet
Introduce your students to the art of syncopation with this easy but fun trumpet duet. While it is not necessarily a performance piece, the âsongâ in this duet is fun for the students.
The inspiration to write this duet comes from the image at the top of the page. This is an image Eddieâs wife found on She commented how a lot of the old piano sheet music used to have clever drawings. Thatâs when Eddie had the idea to do a trumpet duet in much of the same style as those classic piano books.
The range on Tug-O-War is only up to A in the staff. The only aspect of the trumpet duet that is not easy enough for beginners is the syncopation. Thatâs how Eddie likes to teach. Introduce the difficult aspects in a musical environment that understates all the other aspects. That way there is no need to really concentrate on more than one thing at once.
We recommend you first practice this easy trumpet duet with counting and clapping first. Make sure the rhythms are correct, then from that solid foundation, add the trumpet and the notes.
Tug-O-War is an educational trumpet duet and is part of Eddie Lewisâ complete method. This rhythmic focused duet is in our Trumpet Tyro skill level. What make is Trumpet Tyro is the eighth notes. In Eddieâs system, Trumpet Pioneer students (absolute beginners) have not been taught eighth notes yet.
To find more music for this specific skill level, search our other publications for the word âTyroâ in the title or descriptions. We publish books and compositions for students at the Trumpet Tyro level that we believe your students will truly enjoy.
Tug-O-War Free Trumpet Play-Along
Take Tug-O-War for a free test drive by practicing with its You Play First Chair video. You Play First Chair is a free trumpet play-along video series on Eddie Lewis’ Youtube channel. You can access all of the videos on Eddie’s website by clicking HERE, or you can click the following button to go directly to the Tug-O-War play-along video:
Tug-O-War Demo Video
The following is a video of Eddie Lewis performing Tug-O-War by himself as a duet. đ
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