20 Trumpet Tyro Duets – Easy Trumpet Duets – eBook PDF

20 Trumpet Tyro Duets is a book of easy trumpet duets. These are educational duets that help the student learn more about music.



20 Trumpet Tyro Duets

Really 34 Easy Trumpet Duets

eBook PDF Download

by Eddie Lewis

Twenty Trumpet Tyro Duets is a sequel to our Twenty Trumpet Pioneer Duets. The trumpet duets in this book cover a range up to fourth space E and are written in up to three flats and three sharps. There are twenty duets in this book, but some of the duets have as many as three different versions. Counting all the different versions, there are thirty-four duets in the book. The different version of each duet help the students comprehend the theory behind the music. They learn the music theory by playing it on their instruments. These Trumpet Tyro duets make great trumpet lesson assignments. They are not meant to be sight-read by Trumpet Tyro level students. For sight-reading materials for students at the Trumpet Tyro level, we recommend the Twenty Trumpet Pioneer Duets book.

Trumpet Tyro Skill Level

Our trumpet materials are divided over seven different skill levels. The Trumpet Tyro skill level is the second of those seven. We consider it the second of two beginner skill levels. Trumpet students working on Trumpet Tyro level music will typically have between six months to a year of experience on the trumpet.

The most obvious characteristic of the music in this level is the range. Nothing at this level will have a range over fourth space E. There are other characteristics, based on the amount of time the students have to learn the music theory. This will include things like time signatures, key signatures and rhythms. The Trumpet Tyro skill level has music that fits within a very specific boundary on those issues.

As Many as Three Variations

I have been using variations to teach music theory to my students for many years now. It made sense to include that in this duet book. The variations present the same duet but with different time signatures and different key signatures. After they learn the first duet in the set, they can experience the music theory of the variations by associating the sound they already know with the new look of the variation duets.

This is a valuable process because it helps the students see the big picture when it comes to rhythms and key signatures. Their experience with the variations opens their minds to the true meaning of what’s written on the page.

Warning: Celebrations Repeats

It’s important for me to also point out that some of the duets in this book are also in the Celebrations duet book. The Celebrations book is 101 trumpet duets for students of all levels. I wrote it before print on demand became popular and having a duet book for all levels made sense.

Today, with print on demand technology, it is better to sell the customer products that they can use. A Trumpet Tyro level student will not be able to play most of the duets in the Celebrations duet book.

That said, I did write a number of new, original duets for this book. And the Celebrations duet book doesn’t have the very important variations. So it is different enough that you should feel like you’ve been robbed if you have purchased both.

Time Signatures

The 20 Trumpet Tryo Duets book covers all of the time signatures included in the Trumpet Tyro skill level. Here is a list of all the time signatures in the book and how often they are used:

  • 4-4 Used 7 Times
  • Cut Time Used 3 Times
  • 2-4 Used 7 Times
  • 3-4 Used 7 Times
  • 3-8 Used 3 Times
  • 6-4 Used 3 Times
  • 6-8 Used 4 Times

Key Signatures

The 20 Trumpet Tyro Duets book uses all of the major keys associated with this skill level. They are C, F, B flat, E flat, G, D and A. The duets in the more difficult keys are usually variations of duets in easier keys. So they are not as difficult to learn as if they were unsupported that way.


Additional information

Appropriate For

Christmas, Church Service (General), Mall Concert, Recital, Talent Show, Trumpet Lessons

Number of Pages

46 Pages


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